A collection of Applied Math projects I have done throughout my undergraduate career at CU Boulder. These collaborative projects vary in topic and complexity. (Ex: Foraging Patterns in Ants, Modeling Disease Epidemics with Markov Chains)

Mathematical Modeling

Foraging Patterns in Ants

A study of swarm intelligence, done for Chaos in Dynamical Systems at CU Boulder, Fall 2021

Mathematical Contest in Modeling 2021

This was a project done in 100hrs for the international Mathematical Contest in Modeling. The goal of the data insight problem was to classify citizen reports of invasive Asian giant hornet sightings in Washington state, to help determine which reports were most plausible. Our group achieved an Honorable Mention designation. The problem we solved was Problem C, a data insight problem.

Fourier Analysis

Propagation of voltage in a neuron: the cable equation

We derive, solve, and analyze the cable equation to model how action potentials propagate from a neuron’s main body (soma) down an axon.

Discrete Mathematics

Computing the Volume of High-Dimensional Balls and Cubes

A study of methods computing the volume of high-dimensional convex bodies. Fall 2019.

Differential Equations and Linear Algebra

The Hill Cipher

The goal of this project was to study the Hill cipher, a linear algebra based encryption method invented in 1929, and its applications. Fall 2019.

The following two projects were given as-is for an Intro Differential Equations course, taken Fall 2019:

Modeling Disease Epidemics with Markov Chains

A black hole scenario

This projects explores the phenomenon of objects falling towards a black hole.


The following two projects were given as-is for Calculus courses taken through the Applied Math department at CU Boulder.

Solar panels and optimization

Analyzing a strange escape route of a transport shuttle